How to ensure that I order the correct item?

The safest way to order a spare part is by OEM Part Number. However, not all customers can find the OEM Part Number of the spare part they are looking for. For this reason, we provide more information in our listings, such as pictures of the offered items and machine models they fit. Depending on the spare part, specific information may also included such as machine serial numbers, or year of edition.

To ensure that you buy the correct item, you should take into account all the mentioned information, and not just parts of it. In general, you should not buy a spare part just because:

  • it looks like your old one, as many spare parts may look similar in appearance.
  • it is mentioned to fit your machine model, as it may fit specific range of its serial numbers.
  • the machine model is close to yours. For example, some spare parts for HUSQVARNA 371XP model do not fit 371XP EPA.
  • you read in a forum that it may work on your machine model, but without mentioning possible modifications, or additional spare parts that may be required.
Categories: Ordering
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